Warranty Conditions

1. Each product that you purchased is under the guarantee by the manufacturer.
2. ZARE JEWELERY and SHINE LINE are responsible for production faults in terms of circumstances defined in the warranty document and invoice.
3. Warranty period may vary depending on brand and model.
4. If the product is defective due to production errors within the warranty period, it is repaired free of charge and returned to the customer.
5. The maximum repair time is 30 business days for the defective product starting from the date of notification to our service.
6. Product repair will be carried out in our workshop.
7. Products with diamonds, gold and silver that have been damaged by improper handling or deformed after contact with chemical substances will be excluded from the warranty..
8. ZARE JEWELERY and SHINE LINE products are under warranty for two years with the condition of no any repair intervention rather than our workshop center..
9. Your product is under the guarantee of our company for the duration of repair and maintenance.
10. Repair or maintenance is only should be performed at ZARE JEWELERY's atelier. Products that are repaired and maintained out of ZARE JEWELERY workshop will be excluded from the warranty.
11. If you use the zarejewellery.com and shinelinejewellery.com website, you have read, understand and agree to the above terms and conditions.

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